Thursday 14 June 2012

91/111 - Bossypants by Tina Fey

I bought this recently because I thought it might be funny to read on holiday, but I didn't get round to it as I was probably too drunk most of the time. In the new flat, I have very little space for books, and this just happened to be one of the books that came along with me.

I don't particularly have any opinions on Tina Fey, and I haven't really seen any of her Saturday Night Live stuff or 30 Rock, but she seems to be pretty cool so I thought I'd give it a try. A couple of years ago I read The Bedwetter by Sarah Silverman which was pretty good too. I think I mainly found it interesting to read about women who are in comedy, because people often say that women aren't funny. It's pretty refreshing to read about two women who might not be liked by most people but don't really give a fuck.

I do find that most of the comics I find funny happen to be men, but that could just as much be due to the fact that there aren't really as many female comedians out there. And when they're bad, they're criticised not because they're a bad comic, but because they're a female comic, and therefore all female comics are bad.

Anyway, this was okay for a chortle, and even though it didn't really do much for me, it was more enjoyable than Less Than Zero, which is what I was aiming for. Speaking of which, Bret Easton Ellis has reportedly expressed an interest in directing Fifty Shades of Grey as a movie. So who knows, maybe two pieces of shit will combine to make something awesome. Seems unlikely.

Next: Not sure what to read next. I'm going on holiday again for a few days, so I'll probably take something easy to read, and while I was moving I found a lot of books that I'd quite like to read again, so I might revisit some of those.

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