Monday 9 September 2013

153/111 - The Average American Marriage by Chad Kultgen

Okay, okay, I caved and downloaded this onto my iPad and spent half the night reading most of it and then most of my day dipping into it and then finishing it off this afternoon after work. I just wanted something quick thread and I was on my own in the flat last night and was too frightened to start reading The Shining.

I blasted through this, probably because it's one of the shortest ones but also probably because it's a nice smooth easy read. Goes down really well. I mean the style is easy, not necessarily the content.

This book picks off where The Average American Male leaves off, but several years into the future, where he is now married and has two children with his girlfriend from the first book. I keep on saying 'he' because I can't remember the name of the male narrator, and I can't remember if he reveals his name or not, interesting... Anyway, the narrator is thoroughly dissatisfied with married life and begins to have an affair with an intern at his work which leads to the breakdown of his marriage.

I enjoyed this quite a bit and found it pretty funny. I'm not disturbed by the graphic nature of the writing, I guess after reading all of these books I'm a bit desensitised to it, but I imagine that that's how a lot of guys see women, hence the title. I love the way he gets across the feeling of the breakdown of the relationship and I imagine that it must be so so common to find yourself in that situation, not just a man whose wife won't sleep with him anymore, but you must also gets loads of miserable women who aren't interested and only focus on their children. As a side note, I would hate to find myself in this situation, and I can only imagine that surely the best course of action would be to amicably end the relationship, or agree to turn a blind eye while each person seeks fulfilment elsewhere, if you insist on staying together for the sake of your family.

I found it to be a pretty bleak and depressing satire, and a really compelling read.

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