Tuesday 8 January 2013

122/111 - Rookie Yearbook One by Tavi Gevinson

This is one of the books I got for Christmas, and it's a yearbook for an online magazine called Rookie. From what I understand it was started by this Tavi Gevinson, who is an American high school student, who is famous for starting a fashion blog when she was younger and has now evolved to this project, among others I'm sure.

I first came across Tavi in an interview in Bust magazine where she talked about the evolution of her projects and the impact of being a young woman and a feminist today, and I was really impressed by her. S I decided to ask for the Rookie yearbook for Christmas to see what the magazine was all about.

Visually it's pretty lovely, with all sorts of different photos and collage art making up the pages, and it's also got some pretty famous names associated with it in the interviews, which is cool. However the most impressive thing about the whole book is definitely its content, and although I didn't read the entire thing (it's more for dipping into) there were some great articles on body image, coming out, being young and ambitious as a woman, sanity, finding your place in the world, all sorts. There were some things that I didn't enjoy as much but that I probably would have enjoyed as a teenager, but overall I was really impressed by the thoughtful and diverse content. As someone who pretty much despises mainstream women's magazines, it's great to see this out there and I hope there's something like this around if I ever have daughters.

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